What's on the menu for eels?
How do water quality factors influence the biodiversity of American Eel Prey?
Julianne Aguilar, Sofia Lopez, Miles Larkins
Jaylene Munoz, Yoan Yevide
Project Period:
2021 Summer

The American eels (Anguilla rostrata) are known to reside in the Hudson River. The Hudson River's water quality plays an important role on how fit the environment is for the American eel. The eels may eat bivalves, non-crab crustaceans, crabs and worms. We wonder how do water quality factors influence the biodiversity of American Eel Prey? We hypothesize that if the Hudson River has stable water quality, then there will be an abundance of prey, showing that the Hudson is providing a good food source for American Eels.
This page was originally developed by BioBus Summer 2021 Jr. Scientist William Rhee.