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Beech Tree Leaf Disease in LES
Are L. crenatae mccannii present at the site of LES trees?
Are there bugs in the area they may have traveled on?
Callie Morales
Grace Avecilla, Marina Delgado
Project Period:

In the US northeast, Beech Trees, one of the most prominent trees in the region, have been dying from beech tree leaf disease. Litylenchus crenatae mccannii, a tiny species of worm, has been found to be associated with the disease. This study aims to look into how L. crenatae mccannii travels between Beech Trees, by testing if L. crenatae mccannii are at the site of LES trees, and whether there are bugs in the area they may have traveled on
This page was originally developed by BioBus Summer 2021 Jr. Scientist William Rhee.
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