Algae vs Caffeine: Can algae reduce drug pollution in waters?
Can algae be a possible solution in reducing caffeine pollution amounts in saltwater?
Ashley Wu, Arianna Santos
Grace Avecilla, Marina Delgado
Project Period:

The aim of this experiment is to find possible ways to reduce drug pollution and its effects on aquatic species, such as negative disruptions in behavior, reproduction, and development. The overall goal is to create a sustainable, non-disruptive, and protected environment for species while minimizing harm to Earth's waters. To find out if algae could be a potential way to reduce caffeine in saltwater, three experimental trials were carried out, along with one trial that had no algae. Due to contamination our results are inconclusive, but there may be a decrease in caffeine concentration in the uncontaminated trial.
This page was originally developed by BioBus Summer 2021 Jr. Scientist William Rhee.